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How the Harat's pub chain increased the number

of repeat visits by 52.6% and LTV by 2.6 times

5 minutes to read

About the company

Harat’s is a pub franchise chain with over 80 establishments in 9 countries.

After partnering with PremiumBonus:

Guest LTV grew 2.6 times: from RUB 6,000 to 16,000

The average number of bar visits grew from 4 to 6

The guest activity period grew from 40 to 100 days

RUB 2,086: average invited guest purchase amount

RUB 1.6 million: invited guests brought in a year

Hot issues

There were no common network CRM marketing analysis and management system.

The chain has been growing since 2009, but had no single database or loyalty program for a long time.
Franchisees’ success depends on the franchiser’s marketing support to a significant degree; that is why in 2019, the company decided to bring all their establishments together in a single loyalty program. It is a tool that makes it possible to handle guests in targeted ways, analyze the client journey, make up bespoke offers and bring back visitors who have stopped visiting the pubs.

“That was a demand from our franchisees who wanted systemic handling of the guest database via newsletters and other communication channels. 
In the past, we used to launch discount offers or offer guest cards in some towns, but there was no unified loyalty system. As a marketing person, I like numbers. I felt the lack of a common database for the chain marketing analysis and management.”

Mikhail Bondarenko,
Marketing Director, Harat’s

Why PremiumBonus?

When we were just staring out, we discovered that our franchisees were using different cash systems: some used iiko, others r_keeper. We could not base it all on one of those systems; we needed a solution that would bring all franchisees together. Developing an in-house solution would require a huge effort, time and money investment, and that is why Harat’s went for a ready-made third party system.

We chose PremiumBonus as our supplier because it is
a leading company at the marketing automation sector that offers a number of unique opportunities and advantages:

Why PremiumBonus?

When we were just staring out, we discovered that our franchisees were using different cash systems: some used iiko, others r_keeper. We could not base it all on one of those systems; we needed a solution that would bring all franchisees together. Developing an in-house solution would require a huge effort, time and money investment, and that is why Harat’s went for a ready-made third party system.

We chose PremiumBonus as our supplier because it is a leading company at the marketing automation sector that offers a number of unique opportunities and advantages:

Integration with various cash systems

Transaction history

Detailed guest segmenting

An app with a full range of marketing tools

An option to develop a client-tailored app

Marketing support

Transparent A/B analysis of loyalty program performance

Guest communication ROI

Good technical support, issues solved in 15-30 minutes

Integration with various cash systems

Transaction history

Detailed guest segmenting

An app with a full range of marketing tools

An option to develop a client-tailored app

Marketing support

Transparent A/B analysis of loyalty program performance

Guest communication ROI

Good technical support, issues solved in 15-30 minutes

Work stages

Analysis of franchisees’ and the owner’s needs

We analyzed which systems the CRM had to be integrated with, which functions had to be automated in various cities, which loyalty cards or client databases they already used

CRM integration with iiko and r_keeper cash systems

That made us able to collect data in a single format. We fine-tuned our integration module based on the data we had collected from franchisees. We connected sites gradually, thus minimizing the risk of operation disruptions.

Mobile app development

We made the main page and the function that switched between cities. Thanks to that, we were able to take franchisees’ interests into account, and vary the loyalty program conditions depending on the city

Enabling Wallet loyalty card

We ran that process in parallel with the app development. Cards can be deployed quickly and enable quick contact database operations, such as free messages or adding bonuses. When the app was ready, we switched our guest database there

Loyalty program development

After finishing the technical perimeter, we started developing our loyalty program. We uploaded and analyzed various client databases and consulted with our franchisees in order to make sure their interests were represented

Work stages

Analysis of franchisees’ and the owner’s needs

We analyzed which systems the CRM had to be integrated with, which functions had to be automated in various cities, which loyalty cards or client databases they already used

CRM integration with iiko and r_keeper cash systems

That made us able to collect data in a single format. We fine-tuned our integration module based on the data we had collected from franchisees. We connected sites gradually, thus minimizing the risk of operation disruptions.

Mobile app development

We made the main page and the function that switched between cities. Thanks to that, we were able to take franchisees’ interests into account, and vary the loyalty program conditions depending on the city

Enabling Wallet loyalty card

We ran that process in parallel with the app development. Cards can be deployed quickly and enable quick contact database operations, such as free messages or adding bonuses. When the app was ready, we switched our guest database there

Loyalty program development

After finishing the technical perimeter, we started developing our loyalty program. We uploaded and analyzed various client databases and consulted with our franchisees in order to make sure their interests were represented

Plans for the future

To scale our success to foreign markets.

Presently, the system only covers Harat’s Russian franchisees, but the company has plans to adapt our loyalty programs to foreign markets: local currencies, laws, consumer behaviors and franchisees’ needs.
Harat’s considers HoReCa markets in Belarus, Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan and other CIS countries to be extremely promising. We already have a request to develop a loyalty program for a franchisee in Grodno. Franchisees located on Cyprus, in Croatia, etc., also expressed interest in being connected. Establishments are switching to the iiko system in order to do that.

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